SEVENFIFTY SevenFifty Stories

Updating Your Portfolio in Three Simple Steps

We just made it easier to export your portfolio, make edits, and update your products and pricing on SevenFifty

SevenFifty supports hundreds of custom setups and integrations to maintain product and pricing accuracy, and now there is a new update that will give many distributors more flexibility and control while simplifying portfolio maintenance.

This article is intended for distributors that update their portfolios manually or submit monthly product files.

Manage portfolio

If you are the data contact at your company you will now see an option to “Update products and prices” on the homepage of your SevenFifty account. You will also see the time of your last update and any outstanding product clarifications.

The panel is visible to all vendor admins but only data contacts will have the option to make updates. To manage the listed data contacts at your company, please email

Make edits to your products and pricing in three simple steps:

  1. Download portfolio export
  2. Edit your portfolio
  3. Upload your edited portfolio


Download portfolio export

This generates an export of all products and pricing for your portfolio on SevenFifty. You can indicate whether to include all inactive products and also choose to export next month’s portfolio.

Edit Your Portfolio

Next, update the file with changes to product, pricing, and availability. SevenFifty considers every product file upload to be a complete representation of your entire portfolio. Submit all the products you wish to see on the site, not just the changes. 

To remove a product, delete the entire row. To add a product, complete minimum data requirements as indicated by the column headers. Do not reuse SKU numbers and do not make any changes to column headers to ensure your updates load properly. Read More about editing your product file.

Upload your updated portfolio

Once you’ve finished editing your file, set an effective date and upload it to SevenFifty. Please allow three to five business days for your changes to be reflected on the marketplace as it takes time to standardize producer and product names and enrich products with images, descriptions, and categorizations.

Once your updates are processed you will see an updated status on the homepage of your SevenFifty account. Read more about uploading your edited portfolio. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at


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SevenFifty brings innovative technology and data insights to the beverage alcohol industry with next-generation solutions that power the three-tier supply chain. The company’s people-first approach to technology enables producers, distributors, importers, retailers, and restaurants with the tools they need to connect with each other and do business in a modern world.

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