5 Regions Wine Buyers Are Excited About in 2024
Wine pros are looking deeper into familiar places like Spain and California to discover new styles that have potential for the year ahead
Wine pros are looking deeper into familiar places like Spain and California to discover new styles that have potential for the year ahead
Low-intervention winemaking at special vineyard sites like Monte Bello makes this California producer a favorite for those in the know
The state’s potential new American Viticultural Areas stretch from Sonoma to San Diego County
Amador County is a whirlwind of soil types and back roads, but within it lies a treasure trove of vinous gold with exceptional value
Winegrower Christopher Howell discusses how the Spring Mountain producer is rebuilding after the devastating Glass Fire in 2020 and using library releases to manage availability
Northern California wineries that rely on Merlot for Bordeaux-style blends and varietal wines are struggling to secure enough high-quality grapes. What’s driving this shortage and what can be done to fix it?
Bracing for another fire season, Napa and Sonoma viticulturists decide whether to replant or revitalize many vineyards that burned in 2020
Despite fire and smoke damage, excellent wines were produced from Anderson Valley to Santa Barbara
Climate change is threatening Napa’s greatest asset. Andy Beckstoffer’s new research aims to preserve its future
How changes in philosophy, farming, and ownership are bringing a return to freshness at some of Napa’s most historic wineries
Multigenerational families are figuring out how to hold on to their most valuable asset—their vineyards
In a city known for its drink scene, these up-and-comers are writing a new script